Les photos sont sexy. Et de très bon goût. Mais surtout: elles ont été réalisées pour une bonne cause!
Amy Morfoot, 21 ans, a eu l’idée de créer un calendrier sexy, avec 6 autres étudiantes de l’université de Cardiff, au Pays de Galles.
Les fonds récoltés seront reversés pour le traitement de Sarah, la maman d’Amy.
Barefaced cheek: The front cover of the calendar, which features seven brave business students and is raising money for people with brain tumours
Ms Morfoot said: ‘Earlier this year my mother was diagnosed with a grade 3 brain tumour which was devastating for my whole family.
‘Part of the calendar was shot on the grounds of the University rugby pitch, where the groundsmen took a very keen interest, and the Cardiff University gym.
‘The shoot took a whole day where we had to fight against the harsh Welsh elements to give us a gorgeous backdrop.’
In June’s saucy snap, three friends pose naked while reading complicated textbooks, and for July, Ms Morfoot and two others celebrate the end of term wearing nothing but mortarboard hats.
I’ll keep my clothes on! The girls make New Year’s resolutions in the January image

Good sports: The May photo shows the girls having fun on the rugby field
No distractions: The Cardiff University students get down to some studying in the June photo
September’s picture shows two girls dressed in lab coats and safety specs, conducting science experiments.
Mrs Morfoot and husband Richard, both 51, run a jewellery distribution company from Bristol, and have two other children, Lewis, 19, and Archie, 15.
Ms Morfoot said: ‘My parents are so proud of me for doing this all on my own.
‘However, my oldest brother is absolutely mortified about the calendar – he hates it. Archie really couldn’t care less I think.’
Ms Morfoot, from Bristol, hopes the calendar will raise £5,500 the Brain Tumour Charity to help research possible cures.
Brain tumours are one of the biggest killers in the UK, claiming more than 3,500 victims annually.

Experimenting: The business students wear lab coats as they try to get their heads around a new subject for September
Trick or treat? The friends wear Halloween masks and pose with pumpkins in the October photo of the calendar

etudThat’s a wrap: The students are hoping their photoshoot could help make a real difference to cancer patients’ lives
- The calendar is only on sale at Pinnacle Lettings in Cardiff, but donations can be made at www.justgiving.com/AmyMorfootsNakedCalendar